Crazy Time Chances – First, there’s the hyperactive group text, which started last week with dozens of daily messages from friends about the latest coronavirus news, along with pictures of overstuffed pantries. Then came the FaceTime calls from friends and family who were also stuck at home trying to escape the loneliness.

This past weekend, in between trips to the grocery store, I checked in on some friends using Twitter D.M.s, exchanged homemade recipes on Instagram, and used WhatsApp to join a multi-block support group with my neighbors. I even put on an Oculus VR headset and spent several hours playing poker in VR. casino with friendly strangers.

Crazy Time Chances

Crazy Time Chances

I hope the first week of social distancing I feel, far away. But I’m more connected than ever. My inbox is full of invitations to digital events — Zoom art classes, Skype book clubs, Periscope jam sessions. Outsiders and subject matter experts alike share relevant and timely information about the virus on social media and organize ways to help struggling people and small businesses. In my feed, trolls are few and far between, and misinformation is verified quickly.

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There is no point in covering up sugar, which has already had devastating consequences for people around the world and could only get worse in the coming months. There will be more lives lost, businesses closed and communities suffering financial hardship. There’s no denying that what’s to come will be fun, easy, or anything close to normal for long.

But if there’s a problem with this crisis, it might be that the virus forces us to use the internet as it’s supposed to be used – to connect with one another, share information and resources, and find collective solutions. for urgent problems. This is a healthy and humane version of digital culture that is usually only seen in schmaltzy TV commercials, where everyone is constantly using their smartphones to visit distant grandparents and read bedtime stories to their children.

Social media has seemed to improve, with more reliable information than expected from a global pandemic. And while the way we’re changing face-to-face interactions isn’t perfect — in the coming months in America, there may be no clearer phrase than “Can someone shut up?” — we’re seeing an explosion of creativity as people try to use technology to bridge physical distance.

Look at what’s happening in Italy, where adults at home post mini-manifestos on Facebook while restless children engage in online multiplayer games like Fortnite. Or look at what’s happening in China, where partygoers are creating “cloud clubbing,” a new type of virtual party where DJs perform live on apps like TikTok and Douyin while the audience responds in real time on their phones. . Or look at how they’re handling this in the US, where groups are experimenting with new types of social distancing gatherings: virtual yoga classes, virtual church services, virtual dinner parties.

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University of Washington professor attends digital happy hour for potential hires. Credit … Grant Hindsley for The New York Times

Listen to ‘A Bit of Relief’: Alone Together In this episode of “The Daily”, we hear how people around the world are facing the crisis – by coming together on the internet.

Listen to ‘A Bit of Relief’: Alone Together Hosted by Kevin Roose; produced by Austin Mitchell, Andy Mills, Julia Langoria, Sindhu Gnanasambandan and Bianca Giaever; edited by Wendy Dorr; music by Dan Powell In an episode of “The Daily”, we heard how people around the world face the crisis – by coming together on the internet.

Crazy Time Chances

Hey guys. It’s Kevin Roose. I’m a technology reporter for The Times. Like many people, I was stuck at home. I have been sheltered in place all week. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here, but maybe a while. And mostly my job is to report on all the horrible, divisive, anti-social things people do online – you know, bots and trolls and disinformation campaigns. All this is using the internet to divide us and divide us and make us fear and distrust each other. But this week, I saw people using the internet –

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Last night I was supposed to be performing in the Random Farms production of “Annie” as Annie. But because of the smelly coronavirus, it was canceled. So now I’m going to sing my favorite song from “Annie” because I think we all need some sunshine. (SINGING) The sun will rise tomorrow.

Good morning and welcome. I have to admit, it was very strange to be at the Church of the Nativity without all of you. But I am so thankful that we can get together this way.

Okay, [INAUDIBLE] join us. We’re about to start. We just let everyone call. Shalom aleichem. Thank you for being with us.

Let’s be together. So if you want to get a glass of water or a cookie or whatever so you can join this, that’s –

Crazy Time Strategies

This is Lent. And it’s funny that this time it happened during Lent. Because this is the time when we realize that we are vulnerable, fragile and broken. And we have to rescue them.

This – this is 20 years old, this song. Maybe older than the ones watching or listening or whatever.

(CRYING “YELLOW” AND PLAYING THE PIANO) Look at the stars, see how they shine for you and everything you do.

Crazy Time Chances

My name is Maz (ph) and I have a boyfriend named Julian. It’s been a week since I saw Julian [smiling] because of the coronavirus. I miss him so much. [smiles]

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See how cookies are made. I do a lot of math, because we only have self-rising flour. There is only one flour in the store.

You don’t have to be an experienced or professional dancer. You can make your own moves. You can do the moves I did.

This is the kind of creative digital experimentation we need, and it’s coming at a time when we need it more than ever.

We’re on the cusp of what Vox’s Ezra Klein calls a “social recession” — an epidemic of loneliness and isolation caused by a virus. Social decline will affect certain groups in particular – the elderly, the disabled, people living alone. But we will all feel isolated to some degree. And even if it is not wise for us to gather in a physical space, we need to create a virtual space that can support us.

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Building a virtual world to replace a broken physical one is not a new idea. It has been a staple of science fiction stories for decades, including classics like “Snow Crash” and “Ready Player One.” Many of these stories are dystopian – in reality, virtual reality is just an escape from the crumbling real world.

Kevin Roose and Casey Newton are the hosts of Hard Fork, a podcast that makes sense of the rapidly changing world of technology. Subscribe and listen.

One thing we do know is that actively participating in online culture is better than passively consuming it. Research shows that people who actively use social media – posting messages, leaving comments or chatting in group chats, for example – report being happier than those who just scroll through feeds, sharing news and viral videos. Netflix binges and YouTube rabbit holes are great for escapism, but if you’re looking for solace on the internet, lurking alone won’t cut it – you have to contribute.

Crazy Time Chances

We also understand that not all platforms are created equal. With an alarming amount of information, private group messaging and video conferencing may produce quieter, more pleasant interactions than public platforms like Twitter and Facebook, both of which are designed to amplify content that is shocking, divisive or fascinating.

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Across the country, citizen technologists are using digital tools to empower offline communities. In San Bernardino, California, David Perez created a Facebook group called California Coronavirus Alerts to share local information with his neighbors. A group of public school teachers in Mason, Ohio created a Google Doc to share ideas on how to continue teaching students during state-mandated school closures. In the Bay Area where I live, people are creating a database to track elderly people who need help delivering groceries and prescriptions.

It may be that this boom in prosocial Internet behavior is temporary, and that scammers and trolls who tend to focus on major news events are stealing to destroy it.

But perhaps after spending years using technology that seems to destroy us, the coronavirus crisis shows that the internet can still bring us together.

That’s why it’s so important that everyone – especially seniors, students and people in low-income communities – have access to this.

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